High quality Danish lessons for everyone
Danish Language Service is a one man firm and that means that I have a personal interest in you and / or your company being satisfied customers. I take the word “service” seriously. My primary activity is Danish teaching with a high quality for everybody – foreigners and Danes, private and employd.
Forthermore I give lectures on the Amazon rainforest and oddities in the Danish language. My name is Michael Falkendorf, MA in Danish and psycho linguistics and I have taught people from most of the world in Danish language and culture for more than 40 years – and I still love it.
Danish for foreigners
The teaching is flexible and mobile, which means that I come to the student at agreed times and places, at home or at work. The advantages of this teaching are, among other things, that the student sets the level himself and decides the pace himself. The teaching can take place at all levels and is organized according to the student’s wishes and needs. The teaching is based on dialogue (speech and pronunciation) and written Danish (spelling and grammar) and thus lays a thorough foundation for understanding and using Danish in everyday life.
Danish for companies
The Danish teaching can take place in groups or as individual teaching and is arranged in the workplace as courses in written communication for caseworkers, secretaries and others who work with formulating texts on a daily basis. I offer 2 different courses of Danish for companies. The form of work will alternate between presentations and group work, so that the students can take their own linguistic needs and observations as a starting point.